


Article 1.

Under the name of Asociación Iberoamericana de Financiación Local (AIFIL), an association is constituted under the protection of the Organic Law 1/2002, March 22nd, regulating the Association Right, and supplementary rules, with legal status and full capacity to act, and not for profit.

In all matters not provided for in these Statutes, the aforementioned Organic Law 1/2002, of March 22nd, and the complementary development provisions shall apply.

 (The name must comply with the requirements and limits set out in Article 8 of the LO 1/2002 and in Articles 22 and 23 of the Regulations of the National Register of Associations, approved by RD 949/2015, of 23 October).

Article 2. Duration.

This Association is constituted for an indefinite period of time.

Article 3. Aims.

AIFIL is an Association of scientific and academic character whose aims are:

a) Facilitating and promoting the study, research, communication and exchange of knowledge and projects in matters of Public Management and Financing of Local Administrations, with maximum publicity and transparency.

b) Promoting and encouraging especially studies and work in these fields by young researchers.

c) Promoting the dissemination of results and good practices in the aforementioned areas.

d) Making all the working materials generated by the Association for the appropriate purposes available to the different governments.

e) Cooperating with other similar organizations, whatever their scope of action, national and international.

f) Any others that are necessary for the accomplishment of the above purposes and that are authorized by the legislation in force.

Article 4. Activities.

In order to achieve these goals, the following activities will be carried out:

a) Calling and periodically organizing Ibero-American Conferences on Local Financing, the contents of which will combine the presentation of two types of work, some of a methodological and research nature, and others of a more institutional nature and of good practices, as well as the dissemination of their results.

b) Creation and maintenance of a website or web page for information and communication between the members of the Association and civil society in general, including a repository where the results of all its activities will be disseminated.

c) Convening and organizing other specific courses, workshops, seminars and conferences.

d) Collaboration with public and private entities in the congresses, conferences and seminars heldings.

e) Promotion of research projects, publications, seminars and conferences of its members.

f) Any other similar activities, within the scope of its aims, decided by its governing bodies. 

Article 5. Registered office.

The Association’s registered office is located at the Economics Department of the University of Oviedo, Avenida del Cristo s/n, 33006 Oviedo (Spain).

Article 6. Territorial scope.

The scope of action of the Association is the Ibero-American territory (including the territories of Spain and Portugal), without prejudice to its participation in activities that take place outside of it, on its own initiative or in collaboration with other entities. 

Article 7. Languages.

The official languages of the Association are Spanish, Portuguese and English.




Article 8. Governing bodies.

The governing bodies of AIFIL are the following:

  1. The General Assembly.
  2. The Board of Directors.
  3. The Presidency of the Association.
  4. The Vice-Presidencies of the Association.
  5. The General Secretariat.
  6. The Advisory Council.

Article 9. The General Assembly.

  1. The General Assembly is the supreme governing body of the Association and shall be composed of all its members, meeting at least once a year, under the terms determined by the Internal Operating Regulations.
  2. The competence of the General Assembly includes all matters corresponding to the aims of the Association and, in particular:

a) The reform of the Association Statutes and the approval of the internal operating regulations.

b) The election, at the proposal of the Advisory Council, of the candidature to organise the Ibero-American Conference on Local Financing referred to in Article 2.2.a) of these Statutes.

c) The approval of budgets, accounts and quotas, disposition or disposal of assets, as well as the management of the Board of Directors.

d) The fixing of ordinary or extraordinary quotas.

e) Change of registered office.

d) Integration agreements in similar international organizations and the ratification of cooperation agreements or conventions with other national or foreign associations or entities.

e) The request for the public utility of the Association declaration.

3. The General Assembly shall be presided over by the person holding the Presidency of the Association, who shall be responsible for         directing the debates and taking care of their correct development. The General Secretariat of the Association shall be in charge of issuing the meeting agreements and resolutions.

Article 10. The Board of Directors.

  1. The Board of Directors is the representative body of the Association and is made up of those who hold the Presidency, Vice-Presidencies and General Secretariat of the Association. All these positions are held free of charge, and only those who hold them may be compensated for the expenses incurred in the exercise of these, in accordance with the provisions of the Internal Operating Regulations approved by the General Assembly.
  2. The Board of Directors is responsible for the ordinary management of the Association’s activities, as well as the execution of the agreements adopted by the General Assembly. In particular, it is responsible for:

a) To watch over the economic and administrative management of the Association, supervising the tasks of the General Secretariat.

b) Approve the admission of new members.

c) To formulate and submit to the approval of the General Assembly the balance sheets and annual accounts.

d) The appointment of delegates for the development of those activities that require it.

e) Any other powers that do not fall within the exclusive competence of the General Assembly.

Article 11. The Presidency and Vice-Presidencies of the Association.

  1. The President of the Association shall be the person elected by its members in General Assembly for a term of three years, in accordance with the provisions of the Internal Operating Regulations, within a candidacy that shall also include the candidates to exercise the Vice-Presidencies and the General Secretariat, and may only be re-elected once.
  2. The person holding the Presidency legally represents the Association before all kinds of public or private bodies and directs the sessions of the General Assembly and the Board of Directors. Those who hold the Vice-Presidencies shall assist the previous one, substituting him/her when necessary.
  3. Termination of the Presidency or Vice-Presidency mandate prior to the expiration of their terms of office may take place for the following reasons:

a) Written voluntary resignation.

b) Illness that renders him/her unfit for office.

c) Resignation as a member of the Association.

d) Byexplicit agreement of the General Assembly.

  1. Vacancies occurring in the representative bodies shall be filled at the first General Assembly to be held. However, the representative body may count, provisionally, until the next General Assembly, with a member of the Association for the vacant position.

Article 12. The General Secretariat.

  1. The ordinary administrative and economic tasks, the keeping of the register of members and the Association’s archives, as well as the performance of the functions delegated to it by the Presidency or the Board of Directors, shall be the responsibility of the General Secretary.
  2. The causes for the dismissal of the person holding the General Secretariat shall be the same as those established for the dismissal of the person holding the Presidency and the Vice-Presidencies.

Article 13. The Advisory Council.

The Association’s Advisory Council will be composed by the promoting members and those who have previously held the Presidency, Vice-presidency or General Secretariat, and will not be remunerated. It shall be responsible for advising on any matters submitted for its consideration by the Board of Directors or the General Assembly of the Association, shall propose to the General Assembly the candidature to organize the Ibero-American Conference on Local Financing and shall carry out its activities in accordance with the provisions of the Internal Operating Regulations.





Article 14. Of the Associates and their classes.

  1. The Association is composed of promoter associates, number associates and institutional associates.
  2. The promoter members are listed in the founding charter of the Association and have the same obligations and rights as the other members.
  3. The following, among others, may belong as full members: university professors, civil servants, researchers of international organizations and, in general, all those persons who subscribe to the aims of the Association. Applications for admission shall be addressed to and approved by the Board of Directors.
  4. Organizations, research centres, companies and other institutions whose aims coincide with those of the Association may become institutional members if they make a reasoned request for membership and their candidature is approved by the Board of Directors.
  5. The condition of associate is reached once the annual fee has been paid into the Association’s account.
  6. The aforementioned status shall be lost by simple notice of cancellation of the interested party and for non-payment of three annual dues. In the event that the conduct of a member seriously compromises the interests of the Association, the person holding the Presidency may suspend the member’s membership. This decision may be appealed before the General Assembly.

Article 15. Rights and duties of members.

  1. The promoter and number associates have the right to:

a) To participate in the different activities carried out by the Association, collaborating in their organization and development, within the framework of the Internal Regulations.

b) To attend the Iberoamerican Conference on Local Financing and the Annual Assembly, as well as any other meeting called by statute.

c) To use as affiliation the title of associate researcher of AIFIL under the conditions established in the Internal Regulations.

d) To elect and be elected to the organs of the Association.

e) To be informed annually of the functioning of the Association and, especially, of its financial status.

  1. Institutional members have the same rights and duties as promoter and full members, although in their case they shall be exercised through a representative appointed for this purpose.

Article 16. Honorary members.

  1. The Board of Directors may propose to the General Assembly the appointment of honorary members of the Association for academics and/or professionals of recognized prestige in the areas of interest of the Association.
  2. Honorary members will be exempt from paying any fees, will not participate in the decision-making bodies and will become part of an Academic Council, whose mission will be to support the Board of Directors in the orientation of academic activities aimed at meeting the statutory objectives of the Association.





Article 17. Initial assets and economic resources.

  1. The Association has an initial patrimony of 1.200 euros, contributed by the promoter associates and for the fulfilment of its aims it will count on the following economic resources:

a) The annual membership fees of the members, in the amount established by the General Assembly.

b) Grants, donations, inheritances and legacies that it may receive.

c) Income from sponsorship or similar contracts.

d) The income you can obtain from your future assets.

e) The remainders derived from the Association’s own activities, unless by law they belong to the Universities organizing the events.

  1. The budget of the Association shall be annual. The closing date for the financial year of the association shall be 31 December.
  2. Each year a balance sheet of the accounts shall be drawn up and submitted to the General Assembly for approval.

Article 18. Documentary and accounting obligations.

The Association shall have an updated list of members. Likewise, it shall keep accounts showing the true and fair view of its assets, results, financial situation and activities carried out. It shall also have an updated inventory of its assets. The Act Book shall record the resolutions of the meetings held by its governing and representative bodies.





Article 19. Modification of the Statutes.

These Statutes may be modified by the General Assembly when specially convened for this purpose. Once the Assembly has been constituted, the modification requires the presence or representation of at least half of the full members and the favourable vote of two thirds of the votes cast.

Article 20. Dissolution of the Association.

  1. The Association shall be dissolved when two thirds of the members present and corresponding to at least half of the members of the Association agree to dissolve the Association at a General Assembly specially convened for this purpose.
  2. In the event of dissolution, the General Assembly shall appoint a commission in charge of liquidating and distributing the assets, if any, among non-profit institutions with similar purposes or, alternatively, charitable organizations recognized as such. The liquidators shall have the functions established in sections 3 and 4 of article 18 of Organic Law 1/2002 of March 22nd.

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