October 30-31, 2024

Belem do Pará, Brazil


The thirteenth version of the Ibero-American Conference on Local Financing (XIII-JIFL), organized by the Ibero-American Association of Local Financing (AIFIL), the Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLAC), the Fiscal Management Division of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Federal University of Pará (UFPA) and the Government of the State of Pará, will be held on October 30 and 31, 2024 at the Federal University of Belem do Pará, Brazil.

The XIII Conference is the continuation of an initiative of academics and specialists in local finance that began in Toledo (Spain, 2011) and that, successively, took place in La Plata (Argentina, 2013), Sao Paulo (Brazil, 2014), Santiago de Chile (Chile, 2015), Santiago de Compostela (Spain, 2016), Cordoba (Argentina, 2017), Cartagena (Colombia, 2018), Mexico City (Mexico, 2019), Lima (Peru, 2020), Washington, DC (2021), Montevideo and Maldonado (Uruguay, 2022), and San José (Costa Rica, 2023).

More than 150 research papers on a wide range of topics, countries and methodological approaches have been presented at the different versions of the Conference (www.aifil-jifl.org), demonstrating the growing importance of intergovernmental relations and subnational finance for the countries of the region.

The purpose of this call is to invite the presentation of unpublished research papers that, within the framework of the general theme of the JIFL, present recent research findings and advances on subnational financing in Ibero-American countries. The research papers may be articles or posters according to the minimum content described in Annex I and will be reviewed by an Academic Committee, composed of high-level specialists, in charge of evaluating and selecting the research proposals.

Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to the following aspects, although in this call for papers it is suggested that particular emphasis be placed on the presentation of papers related to climate change, natural resources and their impact on intergovernmental finances:

  1. Fiscal fragility and green economy. Seeking to redesign the fiscal architecture in a comprehensive manner, incorporating among other issues: (i) fiscal reform, climate change and incentives or comprehensive green growth; (ii) fiscal risks and impacts related to climate change; (iii) analysis of subnational fiscal impacts associated with natural disasters; (iv) analysis of climate change or climate incidence spending and budget; (v) analysis of environmental taxes under subnational jurisdiction; (vi) analysis of environmentally harmful subsidies; (vii) reform for a just transition; (viii) climate change and financing mechanism for subnational entities; (ix) carbon credit and exchange with subnational entities; (x) public-private financing of actions to combat climate change; (xi) public-private financing of actions to combat climate change; (xii) climate change and financing mechanism for subnational entities; (xiii) carbon credit and exchange with subnational entities; (xiv) public-private financing of actions to combat climate change.
  2. Sustainability, innovation and provision of public goods. Includes the subnational dimension of the following topics: (i) sustainable provision of public goods and services; (ii) accelerating digitalization and emissions reduction; (iii) resilient subnational public investment; (iv)Green procurement policies and systems; and (v) green sovereign financing; (vi) carbon pricing.
  3. General framework of fiscal decentralization and its relationship with macroeconomic challenges. Incorporating, among others: (i) the relationship between fiscal decentralization, economic cycle and fiscal stability; (ii) the progress of fiscal decentralization policies; (iii) the treatment of regional fiscal disparities; (iv) the institutional framework and governance of decentralization; and (v) the political economy of fiscal decentralization.
  4. Efficiency and quality of subnational expenditures. Including: (i) efficiency and equity in the provision of and access to subnational public services; (ii) efficiency of public spending in both its current and capital components; (iii) transparency of public spending and the fight against corruption; (iv) use of incentives to improve the efficiency and quality of spending; (v) impact evaluations of decentralized spending; and (vi) use of new technologies to improve the quality of spending; among others.
  5. Subnational revenue collection. This includes: (i) analysis of tax revenues; (ii) fees for services and other sources of own revenues; (iii) intergovernmental transfer systems; (iv) local collection strategies and their effectiveness; (vi) tax harmonization between levels of government; (vi) behavioural economics and local taxation; (vii) cadastres and taxation; (viii) tax reform, consumption taxes and financing of subnational entities: this item deals with local consumption tax; and (ix) use of new technologies to improve the quality of spending; among others.
  6. Subnational debt and financing. It incorporates: (i) sustainability of subnational finances; (ii) subnational debt profiles and management; (iii) determinants of regional governments’ access to financing; (iv) fiscal rules and their effectiveness; and (v) public-private partnerships for subnational financing; among others.



Those interested in submitting papers to the XIII JIFL should send an abstract of up to five pages to the following address [email protected], specifying the format chosen (article or poster).

Proposals must be submitted using the minimum content described in Annex I (proposals that do not include the indicated content will not be considered). Proposals may be submitted in Spanish, English or Portuguese.

With the exception of specialists from international organizations (IDB, ECLAC or others), researchers who submit an accepted article (one researcher per accepted proposal) may receive a subsidy to facilitate their participation in the event. This subsidy will include travel, lodging and food expenses only.


The format foreseen for the XIII JIFL consists of the presentation of research papers (articles or posters), which will be selected by the Academic Committee, and which will be commented and discussed by all participants. In addition, there will be workshops on current and relevant topics (to be defined on the basis of the accepted proposals).


1. First Call for Proposals December, 2023
2. Second Call for Proposals February 15, 2024
3. Full Paper Submission Date June 17, 2024
4. Authors Notification July 22, 2024
5. Final Manuscript and PowerPoint presentation due September 9, 2024
6. Distribution of papers to commentators and conference participants. September 20, 2024
7. XIII Iberoamerican Conference on Local Finance October 30 and 31, 2024

Registration link: https://www.even3.com.br/xiii-jornadas-ibero-americanas-de-financiamento-local-jifl-448178/